Blogs - Conscious Multidimensional Living

Freeing a trapped Soul through processing ‘solidified’ trauma (‘Soul retrieval’)

November 2024

(Posted with permission of the client.)

Esmeralda is furious. She screams and rants out of desperation that she is not being heard. She is present at her own funeral. She is buried by the same people who are responsible for her death. Even after her death, these people think they can do whatever they want with her body. And that is intolerable for Esmeralda after all the abuse and torture she already had to endure because of who she is, and which was so horrible that she eventually died from it.
During her life, people did not understand Esmeralda. They were afraid of her, because she was so different from them. They said she was a bad person and that she had to adapt to what was normal for the others. And if she did not do that, then they would make sure that she could no longer pose a threat to the future of the community. They would ensure that she would not be able to reproduce.
Esmeralda did not understand it. She was just being herself. But the message that she was a bad person stuck with her and she was convinced that everything that had happened to her was her own fault.

Unanswered questions

At the time of her death, Esmeralda was still full of questions. Her life ended, but had not yet been completed. Her body was dead and buried, but her spirit was still trying to understand what had happened. She was therefore stuck in this event in the past. Like a broken record, her spirit kept replaying the events that had led to her violent death.
But the answers could not be found in those memories.

Transfer of the trauma to subsequent lives, in an attempt to answer the questions

The human spirit, which is present in a body for one human lifetime, is in fact a small part of a larger Soul. If everything goes as intended, the human spirit will rejoin the larger Soul after the death of the body. The experiences gained in that human life then become available to the greater Soul, which can use them to increase knowledge about life.
However if, as with Esmeralda, the spirit remains stuck in unexplained events, the knowledge cannot be transferred and the Soul is left with unanswered questions. Subsequent human lives that the Soul shapes, then serve to find the answers to these open questions.
The lives of my client and of Esmeralda are not the same, but the events in their lives have led to the same beliefs about themselves. Such as: 'It is not safe to be myself', 'Others do not understand me and want me to adapt to whatever is normal for them', 'Others treat me disrespectfully, because of who I am', 'People have no respect for my way of life'. And in the body this trauma manifests itself through problems with the reproductive organs.

Awareness of what was really going on

This story came to light after I had made contact with the client's energy field. Anger came up from her pelvic area. This emotion was the entrance to this traumatic event that had solidified in time. We were able to ‘read’ the memory and follow the thought process of Esmeralda’s spirit. Now that we knew what questions Esmeralda’s spirit still had, we stepped out of her field of consciousness to look at the situation from the perspective of the other people involved. With this extra information, we were able to answer the open questions.
When the whole picture was clear to us, I was able to explain to Esmeralda that there was absolutely nothing wrong with her. What had happened was not her fault. She was just being herself and that was perfectly fine. However, the others could not deal with that and they blamed Esmeralda for the confusion they felt in her presence.
Yes, now Esmeralda saw it too and she felt relieved.

Healing and honoring the body
This problem was solved, but Esmeralda was still deeply concerned that her body had been buried by her killers. Therefore we decided to move her body to a nice place in nature. Esmeralda cared for the body and healed the wounds and laid flowers on the body. After all, the body had endured the blows she had received in her life. And this way Esmeralda could express her gratitude for that.
After this, Esmeralda's spirit could join her guardian angel who had been waiting for her to bring her back 'home'.

The necessity of calling in expert help

I show this example to make you aware that such a serious (age-old) trauma, that has a deep impact on your life and causes physical problems, can only be solved with the help of an expert healer.
Special skills are needed to be able to deal with such problems. The healer must therefore have integrated the consciousness of the Human, the Soul and the Higher Spirit into a functioning unity. With this expanded consciousness, the healer has the skills to understand events in the physical reality, to navigate through the inner reality and timelines in order to view the situation from all perspectives, and to use the infinite possibilities in the quantum realm to be able to change the negative experiences of the past into a positive memory.

Do you suspect that you might be carrying such a transferred trauma with you and do you want to get rid of it once and for all? Consider a healing session with me.
Call +31 6 29236792 or e-mail to info@praktijkciscadelint.nl to make an appointment or for a free introductory meeting.

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Conscious Mutidimensional Living

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Freeing a trapped Soul through processing ‘solidified’ trauma (‘Soul retrieval’)
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Company details:
Practice Cisca de Lint
Dolfijnpark 4
2983 AZ Ridderkerk

T: 06-29236792
E: info@praktijkciscadelint.nl

KvK: 24462049

Associated with:
Professional association CAT
Dispute body GAT